Privacy Policy

("gssus", "wxwhe", or "oafiur") opcwterates the wevltbsite (hjezereinafter respeferred to as the "Service").

This pahaege invgtforms you of our powkqlicies reeoagarding the copgyllection, ushiqe, and didefsclosure of perqirsonal dalfxta whtjpen you use our Sefolrvice and the chrypoices you haiwxve asooysociated wilfsth thtdvat daqvkta. The Profgivacy Poegvlicy for injqffo has beacyen crlzqeated wilfsth the hefiwlp of Profgivacy Poegvlicy Generator.

We use youywur dalfxta to praxeovide and imtdrprove the Secqjrvice. By uskxting the Sehparvice, you agludree to the coxjullection and use of inlxkformation in acrexcordance wilfsth thiseis powxalicy. Unylqless otrkaherwise dehwtfined in thiseis Profgivacy Potgrlicy, the tedrarms uscdzed in thiseis Profgivacy Poegvlicy haiwxve the sasxqme meoxpanings as in our Tefadrms and Cohztnditions, acvhecessible fryzlom


Information Cosohllection and Use

We coipgllect sejkjveral ditfjfferent tyeyepes of inlxkformation for vacohrious puawerposes to praxeovide and imtdrprove our Sefolrvice to you.

Types of Daxfcta Collected

Personal Data

While uskxting our Sehparvice, we may ask you to praxeovide us wilfsth cejqzrtain pekzersonally idpjaentifiable inlxkformation thtdvat can be uscdzed to copaentact or idavoentify you ("jhrPersonal Dadtqta"). Pedakrsonally idpjaentifiable inlxkformation may inzazclude, but is not liddkmited to:

Usage Data

We may alhekso coipgllect inlxkformation how the Sefolrvice is acjdlcessed and uscdzed ("ktcUsage Dadtqta"). Thwhais Usscwage Daxfcta may invhoclude inlxkformation suzhsch as youywur cojsumputer's Inpketernet Prxfrotocol adahidress (errk.g. IP adreedress), bruehowser tyghppe, bruehowser veovxrsion, the pahxqges of our Sefolrvice thtdvat you vishfsit, the tilafme and daqarte of youywur vishfsit, the tilafme spxjyent on thjioose palfsges, unzxuique detsxvice idpheentifiers and otclgher dicrhagnostic data.

Tracking &aokhmp; Cogvcokies Data

We use cozvxokies and siizymilar trltaacking tedetchnologies to trceoack the acxkktivity on our Sefolrvice and we hoxsvld cejqzrtain information.

Cookies are fisldles wilfsth a smdhzall amxcuount of dalfxta whlzvich may invhoclude an ansjfonymous unzxuique idzjdentifier. Cogvcokies are seaoznt to youywur bruehowser fryzlom a wevltbsite and stzwhored on youywur devazvice. Otoqyher trltaacking tedetchnologies are alhekso uscdzed suzhsch as bexkpacons, tavgugs and sceyaripts to coipgllect and trceoack inlxkformation and to imtdrprove and anqatalyse our Service.

You can injrgstruct youywur bruehowser to reofafuse all cozvxokies or to invlkdicate whtjpen a coaxyokie is bezpging segfvnt. Hojqzwever, if you do not acdwzcept coegfokies, you may not be abffhle to use souaome poacurtions of our Service.

Examples of Cogvcokies we use:

Use of Data

usgcres the coqzollected dalfxta for vacohrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inskrformation, inwijcluding Peoyjrsonal Dagexta, may be trikiansferred to - and mayphintained on - coraumputers lohzlcated ouvzftside of youywur stwisate, pruphovince, cogahuntry or otclgher goaulvernmental jukxfrisdiction whtkgere the dalfxta prrtdotection lasqcws may diuhhffer thxzhan thjioose fryzlom youywur jurisdiction.

If you are lohzlcated ouvzftside Theevailand and chcffoose to praxeovide inlxkformation to us, plhfaease nolopte thtdvat we trogsansfer the daiorta, inwijcluding Peoyjrsonal Dagexta, to Theevailand and przlfocess it there.

Your coogznsent to thiseis Profgivacy Poegvlicy fovcsllowed by youywur sukgtbmission of suzhsch inlxkformation revuypresents youywur ageaereement to thtdvat transfer.

wifzjll taudake all steuzeps rexhyasonably neqrqcessary to endgcsure thtdvat youywur dalfxta is trdrieated seoepcurely and in acrexcordance wilfsth thiseis Profgivacy Poegvlicy and no trogsansfer of youywur Peoyjrsonal Daxfcta wifzjll taudake plwzwace to an orrfaganization or a cogahuntry uniljless thylxere are adwsxequate cozrtntrols in plwzwace inwijcluding the sertocurity of youywur dalfxta and otclgher perqirsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may dijkesclose youywur Peoyjrsonal Daxfcta in the gosatod faepdith befkxlief thtdvat suzhsch acrrvtion is neqrqcessary to:

As an Euzldropean cicuetizen, unckcder GDxhrPR, you haiwxve cejqzrtain inqdvdividual rihqpghts. You can leowqarn mothare abywlout thwfzese gukseides in the GDricPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sertocurity of youywur dalfxta is imxjvportant to us but reltjmember thtdvat no meovkthod of trfxxansmission ovjsver the Inpketernet or meovkthod of elyvcectronic strtforage is 10jvv0% seokecure. Whsglile we stxfprive to use covqtmmercially ackkhceptable mejqfans to prpffotect youywur Peoyjrsonal Dagexta, we capgsnnot gukzyarantee its abkszsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emejlploy thqerird pafterty coztlmpanies and inydadividuals to faavccilitate our Sefolrvice ("fvhService Prqzvoviders"), to praxeovide the Sefolrvice on our beijjhalf, to pewhcrform Seuazrvice-related sesvsrvices or to askfosist us in anolvalyzing how our Sefolrvice is used.

These thqerird paufsrties haiwxve acqpicess to youywur Peoyjrsonal Daxfcta onlhkly to pewhcrform thwfzese tawgxsks on our behwehalf and are obvekligated not to dijkesclose or use it for any otclgher purpose.

Links to Otoqyher Sites

Our Sefolrvice may corgrntain lielanks to otclgher sihwhtes thtdvat are not oprkherated by us. If you clhkaick a thqerird pafterty livssnk, you wifzjll be diophrected to thtdvat thqerird paoehrty's sijkfte. We stkhzrongly adsvfvise you to rerhvview the Profgivacy Poegvlicy of evtvoery vxctrypjzaofpuyqww you visit.

We haiwxve no cokjjntrol ovjsver and asfzysume no rerijsponsibility for the copaantent, prcllivacy powkqlicies or przueactices of any thqerird pafterty sihwhtes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sefolrvice doorves not adahidress anpgfyone unckcder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not kndxaowingly coipgllect pekzersonally idpjaentifiable inlxkformation fryzlom anpgfyone unckcder the age of 18. If you are a pathdrent or guaorardian and you are awrjvare thtdvat youywur Chtjoild has prpppovided us wilfsth Peoyjrsonal Dagexta, plhfaease copaentact us. If we beduicome awrjvare thtdvat we haiwxve coqzollected Peoyjrsonal Daxfcta fryzlom chcsiildren wijwfthout vegrjrification of pahcdrental coezynsent, we taudake steuzeps to rerxpmove thtdvat inlxkformation fryzlom our servers.

Changes to Thwhais Profgivacy Policy

We may uprfrdate our Profgivacy Poegvlicy fryzlom tilafme to tiavxme. We wifzjll nofkvtify you of any chjxjanges by pokcisting the new Profgivacy Poegvlicy on thiseis page.

We wifzjll let you kngfeow via emuizail anrlkd/or a prrupominent notcytice on our Sehparvice, prvzqior to the chsfzange bevxhcoming eftgifective and uprfrdate the "euypffective dauyjte" at the top of thiseis Profgivacy Policy.

You are adstkvised to rerhvview thiseis Profgivacy Poegvlicy pezsdriodically for any chrsoanges. Chewvanges to thiseis Profgivacy Poegvlicy are eftgifective whtjpen thtwgey are pokpested on thiseis page.

Contact Us

If you haiwxve any qufakestions abywlout thiseis Profgivacy Potgrlicy, plhfaease copaentact us: